AQUAFOCUS welcomes scientific research articles from students, academicians, industry professionals, and other interested authors on the following themes for its next quarterly publication:

  • Aquaculture Research and Development
  • Macro and Micro Innovations in Aquaculture
  • Digital Applications in Aquaculture
  • Improving Aquaculture pond environment, output, fish feed, etc
  • Health and Safety aspects, Sustainability aspects in aquaculture, etc

Special thematic research articles are also invited on :

  • Algae cultivation
  • Spirulina cultivation
Format :

Articles must be sent on email in MS Word format. Pictures, graphics, etc may be embedded along with the text, and must also be sent separately as attachments ( in JPG, JPEG , GIF. PNG Formats)

Article Submission Form:

Email IDs :

Additionally, also please Email your articles to the Editors conforming to Journal policy and guidelines with all relevant enclosures and attachments to the following email IDs : and also copied to : &